iOS Interview Questions (Part-1) Basics

2 min readFeb 9, 2021

You will find the interview question and answer here like nowhere else.

How strong you are with Basic ??

Photo by Stephen Andrews on Unsplash

Let's figure it out together

1) Swift VS Objective C || Why Swift || Advantage of Swift

This is very common and most important question that every one would ask to you and answer of this questions puts your impression on interviewer .

  • Swift is faster than Objective-C ( Why is the answer they will be expecting)
  • Swift is protocol-oriented programming(So what difference does it make, the concept of a protocol is also there in Objective -C)
  • Swift requires fewer number Code for writing
  • Swift support dynamic library (What does it mean and how it helps )
  • Swift is Open Source (What does it mean, and what advantage of open source you have utilised)
  • Objective C is stable and Swift is still in development phase then why to use Swift( They ask this to know how you work with different version of Swift)

2) Questions on different versions of Swifts

  • Whats latest vesrion of Swift and What are the features of that(They woudl expect all the major changes that have introduced)
  • If you have to migrate from Swift 4.0 to Swift 5.0 what will you do
  • Suppose you have some depencies library which is of lower version and your code base is of higher version then how you will co-ordinate in both the versions or VICE-VERSA

3) Questions of Working with Objective C and Swift together

Although its been so long since Swift is introduced still some of the old projects are running on Objective-C and in these cases it become mandaroty to be aware about these question and thier answers

  • If you have to work with Objective-C and Swift both how will it work
  • How would you access the Swift Class file method in Objective-C File and VICE-VERSA

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